RED SEAL® USA GROUP is structured around core processes and principles that ensure your energy saving solution & services delivery will be an enjoyable one.

Price Contracts and Schedules

Once the energy audit and assessment is completed, we will design an energy saving solution that best meets the specific findings and conditions of your home or corporate office. Before any energy solution can be implemented, based on the client's specific energy audit findings, all summarized into a comprehensive report, Red Seal® USA Group will present these findings to the client and then  if agreed will design a cost effective total energy saving solution that best fits your home or  corporate office needs.

Once there is agreement over pricing, Red Seal® USA Group will present for signature a Final Contract, which includes a detailed description of the energy solution, the work to be performed, the final total price, an installation schedule and a complete payment schedule. Once Red Seal® USA Group and the client both sign these documents, they become the final binding terms and conditions of the energy saving solution & services implementation. Only a written and mutualy agreed change order requested by the client or a severe undiscovered preexisting condition of the existing building can change or ammend the terms and conditions of the final contract.

Our Expert Teams

Red Seal® USA Group is supported by our team of in-house professionals and certified subcontractors. Over the years  we have established stable and long-term business relationships with all our employees, sub-contractors. We are fully aware of their professional expertise and sense of quality. We hire only the most skilled and experienced  employees and sub-contractors. We are constantly expending the knowleage base of our employees by mandatory continuing education classes. We  are able to offer competitive pricing to our clients by managing jobs efficiently and keeping overhead  as low as possible,  and not by cutting corners, or quality, or  the delivery of our solutions and services. You can expect that the workers  that show up on your job site will be knowlageable, exceptional at their trades, will show a great amount of respect for you and your propriety and they always clean the work site after their work is completed.

Status Reports

Based on the size of your project, once the energy saving solution implementation  begins, you will receive status reports via e-mails or telephone, as agreed. These reports provide an overview of the tasks completed in the previous day and the tasks  necessary for completion that are scheduled for any additional days, if any. Most of our projects last between 1/2 day to full 4 work days, depending on the complexity of the energy solution implemented.

Inspections and Walkthroughs

Based on the nature, extent of the work and complexities of the energy solution implemented, 1 to  2  walkthroughs will be scheduled during the life of your energy saving project. These walkthroughs will involve a member of the Red Seal® USA Group management and/or quality assurance member and the client; they are designed to ensure that all expectations are being met and that any changes that the client may desire to make, are identified and agreed as early as possible.

If you have a house or a  commercial building that can benefit from our energy saving solutions and at the same time help you save money by lowering your monthly energy operating cost, we invite you to give us a call at 770-560-4421 or at 770-335-6453 and schedule an appointment. Thank you for visiting our web site and be sure to check back often for updated information, new products and sales campaigns..

A Radiant Barrier is used for?

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Take advantage of our SALE of the high performance, energy saving,    RED SEAL RADIANT BARRIER
There is no  better time to invest in your home, cut your energy bills and become more energy efficient, be less dependent on the energy providers.


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Are you willing to cut your energy cost or would you rather continue to pay big month after month to your energy providers?




Take advantage of our RED SEAL TOTAL ENERGY SOLUTION and Reduce your energy usage and keep more money in your pocket. Become more energy efficient today and STOP paying big dollars to the energy providers